Patrick Lanaghan

            3401 Brook Road, Richmond, VA 23227

Purpose of this site is...


To provide study aids for students of the Bible.

 It is not our intention to supply the answers. We strive to provide study materials and aids that will help the student find their own answers.

  We do recommend forming study groups with your fellow students.
Unfortunately many of the current students return home to their families and churches each weekend and are unable to join in these groups.


Information shared in this website... will help give every student support and some of the tools needed.


We invite suggestions and corrections. If you have developed a study aid that could help others... we will gladly display it on this site.

Please do not send class quizzes or tests.

Please stop poking me with that thing. Patrick Lanaghan is a candidate for ministry in the Shenandoah Presbytery. He is attending Union-PSCE Seminary in Richmond as he pursues his Master of Divinity. His teaching brings Scripture into your life. Patrick includes practical applications of the Gospel along with love and warm humor.

"We are the church as God intended ...

...a community of believers who come together to follow the teachings of the Bible and spread the message of God's love. Along the way, we teach and share. We sing and laugh. We roll up our sleeves and get involved. And sometimes, we're quietly still in the presence of God."


Contact email -


Images of Jesus.

Kennedy Center

St. Thomas Mass

Burnt Church Newsletter

:: Family :: Worship :: Community

"Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."

(Deut. 11:19)

This passage is indicative of the Bible's intention that children be taught by their parents about the things of God. Fathers who take this responsibility seriously not only strengthen their own families but their churches as well. Men who lead their families well are those who will lead their churches well.

(Ephesians 6:4)

Wednesday Chapel

Worship Service ... 11:45AM


Please join us as we

worship our risen Lord.








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The work of the Mission Committee is to create a mission mindset for our church in everything we do.

Serve and tell the story of Jesus Christ to those outside the walls of the church.

 (Matthew 28:19)